My Relationship with Denim? It’s Complicated
When Yves Saint Laurent said, “I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity-all I hope for in my clothes”, I couldn’t agree more. Denim is a perfect personification of …
My Top 5 Reasons To Choose Slow Fashion
“When everything is uncertain, everything that’s important becomes clearer!” While 2020 has definitely marked itself in the history of life on planet Earth, it has affected every human in some sort or another. Amidst the …
Slow Fashion And Accessories : Top 5 Indigenous Brands For Sustainable Fashion Accessories
Jane Goodall once said,”What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make .” In my journey of slow and sustainable fashion, one thing that I …
WHAT IS SLOW FASHION? I used to purchase clothes, much more than I wore!I used to re-think before repeating an outfit to go out with friends!I used to find a sense of solace in retail …
Fashion Is Black
I was not surprised when the meeting ended with an elaborate discussion why the color ‘Black’ was staple and the whole team was suppose to wear only black from that day onward. I don’t know …
Do You Have Some Time For “ME”!?
When I chose to be a mommy, I had no freaking idea, what I’m getting into. Well, I just knew I wanted to have babies. Lots of them. Adorable ones. Whom I could hug and …